Now Featuring Renee Mallison - Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Renee grew up taking special notice of all the things in life that inspired her. She wrote them down or took a picture to try and capture the memory. She started painting 18 months ago as a way to capture that inspiration more fully and to take it with her. Her deepest hope is that people viewing her paintings will find inspiration as well. Renee was lucky enough to grow up in the northwest and she's always been surrounded by the beauty of the west coast. She studied communications and loves to people watch. Renee is married to her first and only love, Jay. She hopes to study art in the future and to perfect her skill, but we at Ritual, think it's already pretty amazing!
Stay tuned for more information. We will be having an open house for you to view Renee's art on April 23rd at 6:30pm. Please email or call us to RSVP. 503.533.9785 ritualhairdesign@aol.com
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